Saturday, January 17, 2015

Transition Timer

Working with students who have special needs you often find students who have difficulty with transition. This year I encountered a student who was really struggling with the transition from a preferred activity (typically recess) to a non-preferred activity (lining up). I decided to try to create a transition timer to help this student, who is a very visual person since verbal warnings didn't seem to be helping. I created one and another teachers asked if I could make it more like a flip chart (the first one I used velcro) and so I took those ideas and ran with them. What I came up with has been a great help to this student and we have been able to implement the same transition countdown timer throughout classrooms where this student will be and displays a difficult transition time.
Flip chart transition timer

Directions for end of transition (Sit on the carpet, Line up, Sit at desk)

Velcro transition timer with specific direction (Line up to go to lunch)

Now, is this a solve all? No, the student still struggles at times but the difference has been drastic. We have seen an overall improvement which is all we can ask for.