Monday, August 12, 2013

Brag board

Ok, this could probably jus have been added into my class tour but I'm loving my idea and decided it needed it's own post! I like the idea of students having some ownership in the classroom but since my students won't really be in my class working much I decided to create a space for them to share things they have done and are proud of. Maybe they got a good grade on a spelling test, or maybe they just created and amazing picture no matter what it is they can bring it and put in on our BRAG BOARD! 
I threw it up today and just decided I want to add clips to make it easy to change out frequently. This also goes into a form or positive reinforcement so they are being recognized when they do well! 
I am all about doing whatever I can to promote the positive to try and diminish the negative. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Class Tour

Wow! I can't even imagine putting together a general education classroom and figuring out where to place things. In a way, I suppose, I'm lucky that I have such a small room. I don't have to think much about where to put thing, there is really only one or two places that everything could go. I still really need a few more things but I think some of it will have to wait until I know how many students I'll have and what types of learning groups I will be working with. So... here is a little tour of my first classroom!
my door - YOU FIT RIGHT IN
Calendar - behind the sign in table
my "did you know?" board - I will post a new interesting fact every week!
I don't even have a title for this one... i just LOVE it though! Kind of a Social Skills board

the CHILL ZONE - a soft corner to just calm down if they need to
I'm not entirely sure how I will utilize this yet. Either have 3-4 activities listed and they choose one and put a clip on it or list the activities and they will do them in the order I posted.

I still need to situate my sign in table. I need to find a clock (for some reason my room doesn't have one) and make up my sign in sheets. I feel like I am missing so much right now but I am sure it will come to me!

So, what do you think of my redirection classroom? 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pencil holders

I am slowly trying to get some simple things together for my classroom. This would be easier if I was in my classroom to start putting things in, but at least in am pretty sure of the classroom I will have so I can try to visualize. One thing I have seen several times on Pinterest and wanted to make is the pencil holders. I have seen many different times but I am poor so I went with the cheap "stuff I have around the house" route!

A few years ago I found these adorable little buckets for $1 at Target and never have really found a use for them. I dug them out and tossed some super cute letter stickers I've had for a couple years as well on to them and VOILA! My super cute sharp and not sharp pencil buckets!