Sunday, January 26, 2014

SAHM vs whatever else

Ok so I'm jumping on the bandwagon a bit here with this one. 

There is a lot of controversy going around over a blog where a "feminist", if we are so inclined to call her, very strongly states her opinions regarding women who are married young and have children. I refuse to even link her post here. I think the notion that anyone has to defend their choice to get married and have children is utterly ridiculous. 

I could go on and on here about how I started a family young, but really, it's irrelevant. 

What I want to talk about is the fact that this blogger feels that being a successful working adult and having a family are mutually exclusive. Why can't you get married young, have kids, and still pursue your dreams and ambitions? Where is there a rule that you must first go to school, get a degree, find a career before getting married, having children, and raising a family (if you choose to do that at all)?

The choice is that of the person living that life, and that person alone. Now, should you get married and have children decisions should then be made through the choice that best suits that family, but that's getting ahead of where this discussion is now. If you, yes, YOU, want to get married and have children then that is YOUR choice and no one else's. If YOU aren't sure that motherhood is the right path for you but you know the career you desire that will satisfy and sustain you, pursue that path! 

We are a nation of followers, looking to what others do and say is "right". In the end, when you take your final breath and reflect on the life you lead, does it matter if your neighbor looked down on the fact that your husband supported your family while you stayed home and raised your children? Are you going to care that some blogger posted how she looked down upon young women who got married and had children young? I'm quite sure the answer is "No." I know mine is. 

Ok so maybe now it's relevant how I started a family young... Only a little though...

I did the single working mom thing. I did the young married stay at home mom thing. I went to school while I stayed home and got my bachelors and then my masters. Now I work. I have to do what is best for me and my family. And what is the best for me and my family surely is not going to be the same as what is best for you and your family. 

It's a personal decision. You do you and I will do me.

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